November’s top WordPress tweets: a cornucopia

November’s top WordPress tweets: a cornucopia

November’s top WordPress tweets: a cornucopia

In the month of⁢ November,‍ the WordPress community‌ has been buzzing with excitement and sharing invaluable insights. We have gathered⁢ some of the top tweets from ⁣influencers in the WordPress sphere, covering topics from new releases, tips and tricks, to the latest trends in‍ web development and design.


WPBeginner, a popular WordPress resource,⁢ shared a tweet with useful tips for improving WordPress speed and performance. Don’t miss‍ out on their‍ recommendations: ⁢


Yoast, the creators of⁢ the acclaimed Yoast SEO plugin, tweeted about the importance‌ of SSL certificates for increasing website security. Find out more on their website:


The ‌team at WP Pluginsify shared a tweet discussing the top premium⁣ WordPress themes for e-commerce websites. Check⁤ out ‍their article for stunning ⁢themes that​ will help you ⁤build a successful online store:


WPTavern, ​a leading WordPress news source, tweeted about the release of ​WordPress 5.9, an exciting ‌update with advanced block editing features.⁣ Get all the details on their website:


Designmodo, a web design and ​development company, shared a tweet featuring their latest blog⁢ post ⁣on optimizing WordPress ⁤for mobile​ users. ‌Discover practical techniques to ​enhance your website’s mobile ⁤experience:


Smashing Magazine, a well-known resource for web designers and developers, tweeted about a thought-provoking article on the ​future of Gutenberg, the WordPress block editor.⁢ Dive into the discussion here:

These were just ‍a ⁢few of‌ the ⁢captivating⁣ tweets from the ‌thriving WordPress community during the month of November. Stay tuned ⁢for ‌more updates⁢ and make sure to follow these influential accounts for a continuous flow‍ of valuable WordPress knowledge!

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